December Spotlight

Live Longer Better with Tai Chi
This month's spotlight is on Live Longer Better with Tai Chi. Hertsmere Borough Council have partnered with Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership over the last 18 months to reduce health inequalities in Cowley Hill through physical activity. Through this partnership, NEW free Tai Chi sessions were launched in Cowley Hill November 2024. Tai Chi is recognised as a valuable physical activity to maintain and improve suppleness and balance. This is especially important for older adults and those at risk of falls.
The sessions that are taking place on Wednesdays and Fridays were established following the success of a recent community event. The Live Longer Better in Cowley Hill Celebration Day took place in August 2024 and enabled residents to try out activities they had never participated in before and become inspired. Activities included, Back 2 Bowls, Herts Health Walks, Strength and Balance, Tai Chi, Badminton and Walking Football.
You can see further details including how to book the Tai Chi sessions on the Moving More Activity Finder.